Set Canhoto MAPCLOUD canhotos,

by APP Software House



APP for total management of your invoice stubs. with tracking and delivery control.In addition to having left-handed management, your company can monitor everything through the 24-hour ON-LINE platform since completed deliveries, missed deliveries, receive alerts of events generated by the driver or delivery assistant.Everything can be monitored by the Administrative Panel.You also have the possibility to integrate your ERP system via API, so that in a few minutes of programming you can send deliveries to the application in a practical way with a totally friendly solution with the driver or delivery assistant. Here are some features that can be used."We can also provide the App for your companys customers to track the deliveries made by Set Canhoto, talk to our sales team"Track the route and delivery through the app.Routing of deliveriesChange, assemble and define routes through the Administrative PanelLeft-handed photos with the geographic coordinates of the image locationSLA management with image preservation (left) in the cloudPhotos of the place and people who received the delivery.Reasons for goods that could not be deliveredThe application can serve own or outsourced driversThrough the management platform:Track where the APP is making routeTrack deliveries made or notReceive delivery alertsSend SMS, PUSH MESSAGES, E-MAIL to your customers alerting for outbound deliveries or canceled deliveries.Import XML invoices to automatically load into the applicationTake reports for SLA management of deliveriesAnd dozens more resources Canhoto is a tool that will help your business from simple delivery to Bi solution management.